Voice Disorders
You may have a voice disorder if you have a problem with the pitch, volume, tone, and
other qualities of your voice.
Voice disorders can be a result of
Laryngitis with common causes including a chronic cough, using inhalers for asthma, and GERD. Treatment of chronic laryngitis will depend on the cause. Speech therapy with specific voice & breathing exercises can be prescribed. It is important to rest the voice, drink fluids.
Vocal cord paresis or paralysis. The vocal cords can be paralyzed, or partially paralyzed (paresis). This can be caused by a viral infection, injury to the nerves to the vocal folds, stroke or cancer related.Some people will get better over time. In some cases, the paralysis is permanent. Surgery and voice therapy may help improve the voice.
Spasmodic dysphonia. This is an involuntary spasm that causes the vocal cords to spasm. It can make the voice sound tight, quivery, or jerky, hoarse, or groaning. At times, the voice may sound normal. Other times, the person may not be able to speak. Treatment may include speech therapy and injections of botulinum toxin to the vocal cords upon advice of your specialist.
Neurogenically Acquired and Developmental Speech Disorders (e.g., Apraxia of Speech, Foreign Accent Syndrome)